Product Description
° Made in the USA from Excelsior Pewter (nickel & lead free)
° Comes with a 34″ cord, pewter bead and booklet
° Measures approximately 1 1/4″ in diameter
° This pendant is double-sided
Although many cultures tell of these creatures’ the closest to our concept of Vampires is the Slavic cultures’ Nosferatu. Bram Stokers’ Dracula was the pivotal work that evolved into our modern view of the Vampire. It was believed that a vampire was an unclean Spirit inhabiting a decomposing body; an undead creature, vengeful and jealous of the living, needing the blood of its victims to sustain its existence.
Scientists explain that Consumption and Syphilis were rampant in Victorian times and these misunderstood illnesses were often blamed on Vampires and funeral rituals were created to stop a vampire from infecting family members. Some rituals include a stake driven into the heart of the recently deceased. Sometimes the Heart and Lungs were removed, burnt, and the ashes fed to the sick as a cure all. Psychologists have proposed that people identify with the immortal vampires “because by doing so they can overcome, at least temporarily their fear of dying”.
Some subcultures feel that vampires are a gateway to awareness, unlocking the powers of darkness and chaos while bestowing the gift of eternal life. The current incarnation of the Vampire is centered on the tragic life of the lone, good looking anti-hero, and has become the modern prevailing archetype. This icon of Transformation and New Beginnings symbolizes a life change from feeling powerless and trapped in an endless cycle of meaninglessness and chaos, into a realm of self empowerment and individual control over prevailing obstacles.
° Made in the USA from Excelsior Pewter (nickel & lead free)
° Comes with a 34″ cord, pewter bead and booklet
° Measures approximately 1 1/4″ in diameter
° This pendant is double-sided