Pirate Luffy


Pirate Luffy


“One Piece” follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a young boy whose body gains the properties of rubber after unintentionally eating a Devil Fruit. This power causes Luffy to have quite an entertaining fighting style! In addition to his Devil Fruit ability, Luffy eventually learns to use Haki – a latent ability every living being in the world of One Piece possesses, though it is dormant in most. At the age of seven, Luffy’s life is saved by Shanks – a swordsman and pirate who lost an arm protecting him.

Ten years later, wearing Shanks’ straw hate, he sets out to sea to gather a crew and sail the Grand Line, where the One Piece is supposedly hidden. Luffy is joined by a diverse crew, known as the Straw Hat Pirates. Together they explore the ocean in search of the world’s ultimate treasure known as One Piece – the one who claims this prize will become the next Pirate King!

SKU:  412-Luffy Category:  .

Product Description

° Made in the USA from Excelsior Pewter (nickel & lead free)

° Comes with a 36″ cord, pewter bead and booklet

° Measures approximately 1″ in diameter

° This pendant is double-sided