Product Description
° Made in the USA from Excelsior Pewter (nickel & lead free)
° Comes with a 34″ cord, pewter bead and booklet
° Measures approximately 1″ in diameter
° This pendant is double-sided
The origin of this collection of binding runes is in Icelandic Magic. They are known as Galdor-Staves, or *“Galdrastafir”, and were developed by Icelandic magicians, during the Middle Ages. These magical runes called upon ancient gods and goddesses to work their spells; such as to win favor from a secret love or to be protected from evil. Much of what we know about Icelandic magic has been translated in “The Galdrabok” (Icelandic Grimoire). Wear them and fulfill your desires…
Our collection of “Galdrastafir” have been interpreted and created by artist, Christopher Bennett. Wear them and fulfill your desires to find love, find wealth, have your wishes granted, or gain protection against negativity!
*Galdrastafir (pl. of galdrastafur) is an Icelandic word which translates to [galdra] magical
[stafi] sticks
or staves.
“A King he was on a carven throne, In many-pillared halls of stone With golden roof and silver floor, And runes of power upon the door” ~ J.R.R. Tolkien
° Made in the USA from Excelsior Pewter (nickel & lead free)
° Comes with a 34″ cord, pewter bead and booklet
° Measures approximately 1″ in diameter
° This pendant is double-sided