Children of Gaia: The Great Nations of Rendaraia (Digital E-Book)


Children of Gaia: The Great Nations of Rendaraia (Digital E-Book)


The five Great Nations of Rendaraia have stood for centuries as strongholds of culture, magic, science, and military strength. When, one by one, the Nations mysteriously fall—each destroyed in a day, with no word or warning—the intrepid scholar Jan’Ka’Zian sets out to record a complex network of intertwined cultures on the edge of destruction. Jayel Draco’s gorgeous illustrations present a vivid picture of elaborate cityscapes and mountain vistas, vast skyfaring fleets, and fantastic flora and fauna.

This 150-page illustrated novel, written and illustrated by a co-creator of the vast Children of Gaia sci-fi-fantasy universe, explores the cultures, histories, and social structures of the five Great Nations, as narrated and illustrated from the perspective of Jan’Ka’Zian, a fictional character from the Children of Gaia series.

SKU:  CG-V02D Categories:  , .

Product Description

° Automatic Download

° 150 pages

° Fully illustrated fantasy novel

° Written and illustrated by Jayel Draco